Numerology Significant Horizontal Arrows

An important aspect of Numerology includes your Matrix Birth Chart.  This Chart includes all your birth numbers with your birth date written out in full. The actual numbers within your Birth Chart; the numbers missing from your Birth Chart, and the quantity of times the number is repeated in your Birth Chart provides an abundance of information about your inner self. Let's discuss the horizontal arrows and planes. 

Arrow of Practicality (1-4-7)
If these numbers are present, the Arrow of Practicality relates to the doing people of the world and are satisfied when they are involved in the practicalities of life. This Arrow is also on the Physical Plane which indicates that this person is an active type of person, usually busy and creating ways to always keep moving. A person with this arrow is very likely to be involved in some form of physical sport or hobby/activity.

They often demonstrate cleverness with their hands, but need direction to use their talents wisely, for they often decide to do things without thinking them through to choose the most suitable plan of action.  It is vital that persons with this Arrow be shown how to develop a balanced outlook from early in their lives.  This will allow them to acknowledge their sensitivities and understand other people’s needs which will greatly assist their own happiness and fulfillment in their own lives.

Arrow of Emotional Balance (2-5-8) 
If these numbers are present, the Arrow of Emotional Balance governs the expression of emotions, our responses to life and way we relate to others.  As this Arrow is on the Soul Plane, its expression relates to the spiritual or feeling emotions. These people possess a natural balance in their emotional life and a depth of spiritual understanding that can be beneficial in this New Age of awareness.  If aware of their gift from the universe, they know that they are a blend of balance between the physical and spiritual elements. 

They should seek out bright and happy company and avoid against being overly serious and withdrawn.  Some take to the fields of art or entertainment to satisfy their deep love of balanced emotional expression, however, can become too identified with this image. To maintain their emotional balance, they need to be constantly aware of who is in charge of their emotions, and never allow the emotions themselves to take control or they will become lost and confused. Overall, this person has the feeling and sensitive nature that can be used as their diagnostic tools to assist others.

Arrow of the Intellect (3-6-9)
The presence of all three numbers on the Mind Plane indicates the importance of intellect and the dominance of mental activity in the expression of people with this Arrow.  An extremely active brain is clearly indicated here, one in which the memory would be expected to dominate.  If their memory were poor, it would be more to do with laziness rather than lack of skill.  Usually, people with this Arrow are bright, happy and alert, expressing preferences for things intellectual, rather than aesthetic.  They dwell far more in their brain than in their feelings, although they can become quite emotional without actually realising it.

Life brings more responsibilities to these people than to most; they generally handle their obligations well and are happiest when performing duties for others.  They are gregarious people who are rarely lost for words or for rationalisations, but they need to watch the tendency to drive their brains too much without adequate rest.  When this occurs, they become inexplicably irritable.  This is a warning to teach them they must learn to balance their lives between the mental, the artistic and the physical to achieve optimum success.

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