Zodiac - The 12 Star Signs

Astrology is a complex art and science which applies symbolic meaning to astronomical information as it existed over two thousand years ago when the practice of astrology was first documented in writing by ancient astronomers and astrologers.  

1. Aries (The Ram, Fire Sign, Cardinal Sign)
Represents: New beginnings, adventurer, courage, part of the body is the 'head'.

2. Taurus (The Bull, Earth sign, Fixed sign)
Represents: Possessive, calm, relaxed, materialistic, loves creature comforts, part of the body is the 'neck and throat'.

3. Gemini (The Twins, Air Sign, Mutable)
Represents: Communications, impulsive, changeable, inquiring, intelligent, exploring, part of the body is the 'lungs, arms, and hands'.

4. Cancer (The Crab, Water Sign, Cardinal)
Represents: The home, shy, emotional, intuitive, protective, domestic, part of the body is 'stomach and breasts'.

5. Leo (The Lion, Fire sign, Fixed)
Represents: Ownership, pride, ego, power, children, passion, works well alone, part of the body is the 'heart and spine’.

6. Virgo (The Virgin, Earth sign, Mutable)
Represents: Attention to details, worrying, practical, analytical, discriminating, clean, a perfectionist, part of the body is the 'colon'.

7. Libra (The Scale, Air sign, Cardinal)
Represents: Marriage and union, partnerships, diplomatic, compassionate, balanced, part of the body is the 'kidneys'.

8. Scorpio (The Scorpion or Eagle, Water sign, Fixed)
Represents: Intense, death, rebirth, responsibility, genuine, purification, the mafia of the zodiac, the part of the body that is the 'sexual organs'.

9. Sagittarius (The Archer, Fire sign, Mutable)
Represents: Truth, religion, philosophy, generous, frank, enthusiastic, reason rather than emotion, adventurer, part of the body is 'lower back and thighs'.

10.Capricorn (The Goat, Earth sign, Cardinal)
Represents: Practical vision, unemotional, sober, orderly, control, manipulating, power, dependable, part of the body is the 'knees'.

11.Aquarius (The Water Bearer, Air sign, Fixed)
Represents: Detached, teamwork, friends, unconventional, humane, independent, warm, part of the body is the 'legs and hips'.

12.Pisces (The Fishes, Water Sign, Mutable)
Represents: Intuitive, accepting, understanding, impressionable, part of the body is the 'feet and ankles'.

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are separated into 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. By examining the different planets in these signs astrologers can draw an in-depth profile analysis of a subject.

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. People with fire signs are explosive, volatile, and energetic. They are leaders, inventors and adventurers. Their weaknesses are the tendency of doing their work to their extremes and burning themselves out. The Fire attributes are best to be counterbalanced by Earth signs.

Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. People with Earth signs are practical, cautious and reliable. If they are lacking (few Earth signs) they lack imagination and creativity.

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Air signs are responsible for intellectual activity, thought and philosophy. People who possess many planets in the Air signs are good planners. Without Air signs, subjects may have difficulty in communication, and be weak in artistic inclination. The excess of planets in Air signs are best to be counterbalanced by planets in the Water signs.

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. These are emotional signs. The planets in Water sign moderate the practicality of Earth, the ideas of Air, the careless energy of Fire.

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