Numerology Significant Vertical Arrows

An important aspect of Numerology includes your Matrix Birth Chart.  This Chart includes all your birth numbers with your birth date written out in full. The actual numbers within your Birth Chart; the numbers missing from your Birth Chart, and the quantity of times the number is repeated in your Birth Chart provides an abundance of information about your inner self. Let's discuss the vertical arrows and planes. 

 Arrow of the Planner (1-2-3)
In the 20th and 21st centuries, this is one of the most commonly found Arrows, because of the myriad of 1, 2 and 3 occurring in most birth dates.  An inherent love of order, method and understanding is present here.  However, it is usual that these planners prefer to concern themselves more with the function of organising than with the practical details.  Every person born from 1000AD to 1999AD possessed the number 1 in their birth chart indicating the accelerating rise of the importance of communication throughout the world and need to interrelate to one another.  As the number 1 is not so prevalent in persons born since 2000AD, it is not surprising that the world has developed into a more intuitive, sensitive and silent world with the use of electronics to communicate due to the number 2 being ever present in young people's birthdates.
With such excellent capacities as planners, these people need to guard against a subtle laziness.  This has the tendency to develop when they perpetually derive plans for other people to enact without giving enough attention to the detail or the mode of operation of the plans as they are being executed.  They often need to pay more attention to the smaller details and not succumb to the tendency of thinking them unimportant. 

Arrow of Willpower (4-5-6)
This arrow indicates remarkable self control and determination. Big tasks, projects, responsibilities, obstacles: they triumph at whatever life throws at them. They learn self reliance in a very early age and often grow up to be an individualist. Because of this, they may come across too stubborn in their personal relationships. They should make sure to not overexert themselves by keeping their energy levels balanced.

Arrow of Physical Activity (7-8-9)
This Arrow brings great expression of experience, wisdom and ambition into action, however, if not utilized correctly, can create a forcefulness that can leads to hyperactivity.  Persons with this Arrow like to express themselves, and if this is unable to happen because of restraints placed on them, they will become agitated with an accumulation of suppressed nervous energy.  This in turn will cause any number of illnesses.
Peace and harmony is paramount to these people, and they do not like arguments, loud music etc that destroys their atmosphere of calmness.  They love nature, and are not happy city dwellers.  The freedom of lots of fresh air and physical action is ideal, as their health will suffer if restrained within other people’s constraints.


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